Monday, February 27, 2006
YAY!! all thanks to my twin, i got my new blog layout! whee.. i'm a happy happy girl today who knows nuts about html and templates and codes.. haha! thanks so much my dearest twin! (:
stir (: - 8:46 PM.
its been a long time since i blogged.. mainly because the aussies are slow and inefficient and only came to help me connect my internet when my daddy emailed to complain cos its been over a week.. blah! but my i'm and school's started and i'm pretty happy with my life here.. (: but first, some photos from the hols.. CNY visiting w the cell was great fun.. monopoly's always fun..  jude stir  clara stir. happy faces for 14 years of friendship.  the aussie gang. i don't know exactly why we met up, but we did. and it was good. i love u guys. (:  photo whoring with my dearest mummy.. in our comfy bean bag seats.. happily eating.. (:      jude jo stir. after dinner and after walking the whole of orchard. a happy happy reunion. (:  two glasses of wine and candlelight  happy and contented.
stir (: - 7:06 PM.
Monday, February 13, 2006
sorry for not updating more often.. have been really really busy the past 2 weeks.. rushing everywhere to meet everyone.. i'm too lazy to post photos up for now but they'll come soon.. after i go back to melb and get my internet connected.. (: its been great coming back and finding friends being almost the same as they were 7mths ago.. yet sometimes its weird how i feel so close to them yet so detached.. sometimes i wish i was studying in sg and not melb.. but then again, i wldn't have given up the world for that chance.. well maybe feeling detached ain't that bad.. cos i saw things that i wldn't have seen 7 mths ago.. oh well.. corrinne may tonight was fabulous!! absolutely wonderful listening to her.. (: i've everything to lose. it's like gambling and u're the banker. i've put everything on the line. and my cards are open while yours are closed. everything is in your hands.
stir (: - 3:59 AM.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
i'm back! and savouring every second of it.. (: its been great meeting up with ppl and talking without the constraints of time or money or work.. nothing beats meeting up w ppl u haven't seen for 7mths.. (: will post photos soon.. yet sometimes i wonder whether it would be better not to come back.. cos at the end of the day, some friends don't really care whether u're back or not.. maybe it doesn't really matter to them.. and it hurts coming back and knowing they don't care, even if they say they do.. talk is cheap i guess..
stir (: - 3:31 AM.